Monday, June 4, 2012

Singapore & Malaysia - Land of the Miracles

May 30, 2012

Hi Family!!!!

     Wow!!! How the crazy weeks just keep flying by!!! This past week I went on exchanges in Miri and have begun my last set of exchanges in the Land of Sabah!!!! I love Sabah, especially how diverse the people are here. I never really noticed it until i left, but the people hear (particularly the youth) have a love of the Rock and Roll music, the atmosphere and the style of dress. Its pretty cool as it gives the people here their own unique feel. Ha ha!!! I don't think it gets any better than the public transport buses that sport flashing disco lights, disco balls, blaring beats, and LED lights ALL OVER THE BUS!!! It looks like a blue and purple Christmas tree driving down the highway and feels like you have entered a dance club once you get inside (Sorry President). In addition is the great kids who will trick out their BMX bicycles with lights, speakers and flashing lights as well! These people really do have some style! Its just super fun. They will all bike around in little groups of 4-8 kids and just cruise the town together. So much fun. I wish i had that type of creativity as a child.

     So things are awesome here :D It has been great to serve the missionaries in the Singapore Mission. One thing in particular that I love is how everyone here in this mission wants to be here. It is the Greatest Mission on the Earth! The people are kind and accepting, and the food is fantastic, and the church is growing and doing well. It is advancing in ways one can never imagine. These saints over here and standing strong amidst a world of sin and transgression and they are developing testimonies that will bring thousands of others to the Gospel. Its pretty awesome to help them write the History of Malaysia :D We are called to such a great cause :D
         We are right now led by a Mission President who has been called and set apart by God. He has reached out and touched the lives of too many to count. The stories are too many to tell, and even more left untold. Just this past week I was able to participate in a miracle wherein the President called me in the middle of an exchange with my beloved son Elder Steadman (LOVE YOU!!!!) and asked me to go preform a particular task. I called for the assistance of the two Zone leaders in the area who came willingly and as soon as they could. They even beat me to the destination! As we were about the enter the home of a family who was in need of feeling the Lord's love and comfort, one of the zone leaders (a former companion) offered a prayer. As soon as he prayed, I felt as though legions of angels had suddenly descended around me. My hair tingled and my heart swellled with comfort. I felt as though an energy were pulsing between my muscles and veins, and that my heart and soul was filled with pure light. While we were just 3 strong in the flesh, I know that there were thousands more around us. This is probably because the disembodied family members both to come and already gone were coming to support those who are experiencing a challenge in the flesh. These angels were definably in our presence as we entered the home. I had never felt so protected, and the following meeting was life changing, and led to another life changing meeting the following morning when I witnessed a man who was called of God reach out a hand in love to a distressed daughter of God. God really does work through his servants, and the spirit that dwelt in that room as we left was evidence of the work which we had preformed. We were truly "on the Lords errand." I wish all of you could feel such a moment as that, and I know that you can and will as you fulfill your own callings to the best of your abilities. Your own efforts have unseen effects. I still remember the great times I had going Home Teaching with Randy Lawrence, back in Troy Idaho. He can and got me and always tried to make me feel included and important. Thank you Randy. I know that as each of us fulfill our callings in life, we can become part of something a lot bigger, a lot better, and a lot more impactful than anything we could ever do on our own efforts. I invite you to unbind your tongues and speak miracles. Do you want to see miracles in your life? Are you willing to do what it takes to facilitate one's creation? Go and Do.

Your loving friend, brother, and son,

     Elder Willem Kampenhout 

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