Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week 90-Singapore & Malaysia - Zone Leader Council and Bintulu‏

April 17, 2012

Dearest All,

     I LOVE MY MISSION!!! Just to let you know ;) We were just talking a few minutes ago about how serving a Mission for the Lord is the best thing any young man could do at this point of his life. As President Clark always says: "The Mission is the Lord's University, what did you learn today?" Its pretty incredible. While much of the learning is not in factual knowledge, but it is in Heavenly Wisdom and in the development of Character, things that no human institution can replicate. The admission requirements are worth it! If you are not able to get in, make yourself ready. It is never too late for a young man. I can testify of that.

     So what makes a mission so awesome? Well this past week we went to Sibu for our Zone Leader Council, and it was such an incredible experience. The attitudes and the righteousness of the Missionaries was huge, and inspiring. They were a bit newer, and so the reports were not the best, but whenever President or us gave trainings, they listened intently, asked great questions, and truly sought after knowledge. I feel that ALL were edified and uplifted. It was great :D

    After Zone Leader Council, we took a bus with the Bintulu Zone Leaders up to Bintulu, about 4 hours on a roller-coaster like bus, where I went on exchanges with a Trainer and his trainee who are serving in a struggling Branch. It would be so easy to lose hope in the situation they face, but I was impressed with the brightness of Hope that they had towards it all. We met some really really great investigators and recent converts, and experienced miracles that came as an answer to prayers. Prayer. I love it. That day, as we prayed before we preformed our priesthood duties, I could feel a greater sense of the Spirit, and it helped remind me that this is not the work of men, but the work of Heaven. There really are angels all about us :D

     So another cool story. On Monday, when we had already returned to Singapore, some of our missionaries were coming in on Visa-runs, and one of the missionaries was a Local Malaysian who had lived in Singapore for quite some time. I had a distinct impression to take him on an assignment from the Bishop of our ward to teach another Malaysian about the Melchizedek Priesthood, so he could be prepared to receive it next stake conference. This brother can't speak English very well, so he really needed our help. After jumping through many hoops, the timing worked and in this ever so small window of opportunity, this Elder and I were able to meet his fellow Malaysian Brother. They were best friends, but I was most surprised how they didn't get too overly excited, but how this Malaysian Elder remembered his Duty and his role as a Missionary. Afterwards, as we were talking, we spoke about how an Assistants main concern is the welfare of the missionaries. Its not about the numbers, nor the investigators, but the missionaries. As I related this principle through the fairy tale of the rich man and the goose that laid golden eggs, a light seemed to click on for him. He realized how if one will inspire and uplift the missionary (goose) that he will go out and find and teach and baptize more investigators (golden eggs). If you kill the goose trying to get inside to find more eggs, like the rich man sadly did, than all is lost. The Missionary pondered this principle much, and we went on to set some goals on how he could apply this principle in his own companionship. WOW!!! I was so excited that the Lord was able to lead me to relate a teaching that I had received from my Mission President so that it could help another missionary. All because of a still small whisper. He really does lead and guide us. We just need to listen. He is speaking.

    I love my mission, and the Lord, and All of you. Be the Best you can BE!!!!

Your loving friend, brother, and son,

      Elder Willem Kampenhout

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