Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week 94 - Singapore & Malaysia - Time Well Spent‏

May 16, 2012

Hello to all!!!

    Today we went with the Johor Bahru Zone, and the Singapore Zone out to Pulau Ubin (Ubin Island) and went bike riding ALL DAY!!!! It was so much fun! The morning we spent Mountain biking on some black diamond courses and a couple double black spots. SUPER FUN! We rented bikes, and while mine was not the best, I made it work. One of the other missionaries who had down mountain biking in the past was impressed with my ability to ride! It must have come from my trail riding days on the motorcycle, and my bike riding in my youth. It was such a blast flying through the jungle riding bikes, avoid rocks and cliffs and climbing up steep hills. It was the best Zone activity yet! It definitely helped the missionaries in the zone to bind together in spirit of unity. I feel that this is one of the most important things to do. Do something together. In families especially, sometimes you just need to set some time apart and do something outside of the normal together. Whether it is a movie, going to the park, painting together, whatever the activity, I still remember all the times my father took me out. They are times in which I will never forget, and will help build immortal families. Eventually if you keep saying "Tomorrow" it will become an empty pile of "yesterdays". So I am ever grateful for my parents going out and doing things with us :D
     Another great event of this last week was my last Zone Conference. It was also an all East Malaysia conference, with over 70 missionaries together!!! Wow!!! Talk about an army to feed! It was such a great spirit there, and the missionaries were so obedient and incredible and easy to work with. The final testimonies were amazing (and there was also more than 11) all the final testimonies of departing missionaries. Including mine :(. It was so great to see missionaries share about how they've changed, but the most incredible were their testimonies, when they testified about the savior and how he has changed. As I gave my own, I could barely speak at times as I spoke about the power of repentance. I was brought to tears, and all because I knew that what I was stating was true. It was a huge memorable experience. Testimonies are huge. President Clark's testimony was incredible as well. I can't describe. Just pure spirituality :D
     Well i hope each and every one of you will find some time to spend with family, and bear testimony to your children, parents, friends about the truths of the gospel. It will change your life :D

Your loving friend, brother, and son,
       Elder Willem Kampenhout

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week 92-Singapore & Malaysia - Elder Koay has landed!!!‏

May 1, 2012
Elders Koay and Kampenhout

Hello family and Friends!!!

     This past week has been fantastic!!! We went on exchanges last week in Butterworth and Ipoh, where I got to meet and teach some Malaysian Indians! Such wonderful people!! I love this people. Elder Nowland and I were able to experience a couple cool miracles too when his hunch to want to go contacting in a certain area led us to a house. The contact went like this: We walked up to the gate and announced our presence. The tall and slim Indian woman came outside as her older boys moved around and arouse from their tv watching position in the house. She asked us "Hello? Can I help you?" "Hi!! My name is Elder Kampenhout! This is my friend...." " Elder Nowland!" At that point I remembered how we have been trained to observe their surroundings and to compliment them. So i quickly said "You have a very nice nice!" She paused for a second, then said "Do you want to come in?" Wah!!!! and we were inside. There we met a wonderful family and her son, who had been studying all the religions of the world trying to find God. "Well we have just the book for you" said Elder Nowland. So amazing. I love missionary work!!

     Just two days ago, my new companion, Elder Koay, arrived! Since the moment he arrived we have been planning and preparing and just having a great companionship together. I can tell that we are going to have the best of time together. His energy and excitement for the work is phenomenal. He is a Chinese Malaysian, so can speak English, Malay, and Chinese!!! Its been super cool so far. He can actually place correct orders at Chinese restaurants! Oh the uses of being in companionships. That has been the real eye opener. Over the past two weeks I have been having to do a lot for East Malaysia while I have been attached to other companionships. Elder Jones and Elder Whittaker have been incredible in helping and encouraging and being there for me. I learn so much from those two. But I have now come to realize the strengths of pairs. They not only keep each other safe, but they can communicate better with more people, they can focus their spiritual thoughts and counterbalance each other. They can support each other in lessons, and you have twice as much spiritual knowledge than when you are on your own! You can call twice as many people, while still being able to preform other tasks. Plus you both will have different approaches to all the situations you encounter, and those different approaches teach you to "Teach people, not lessons." So huge. I love it :D

    Things have just been great. We had 2 confirmations last week, and have another baptism this week!!! That has been the cool miracle, that we as the Assistants have been able to do our duty as assistants AND have an area too! Not to mention an area that baptizes monthly! This has been some of the best times of my mission. I love serving the Lord, serving his servant President Clark, and serving the missionaries. Its amazing how they really are the mouth out of which the prophets message is declared. Its pretty amazing :D Try it yourself. Missionary work is the greatest work you will ever do. Don't let a day go by without doing something.

Your loving friend, brother, and son,

       Elder Willem Kampenhout

Week 90-Singapore & Malaysia - Zone Leader Council and Bintulu‏

April 17, 2012

Dearest All,

     I LOVE MY MISSION!!! Just to let you know ;) We were just talking a few minutes ago about how serving a Mission for the Lord is the best thing any young man could do at this point of his life. As President Clark always says: "The Mission is the Lord's University, what did you learn today?" Its pretty incredible. While much of the learning is not in factual knowledge, but it is in Heavenly Wisdom and in the development of Character, things that no human institution can replicate. The admission requirements are worth it! If you are not able to get in, make yourself ready. It is never too late for a young man. I can testify of that.

     So what makes a mission so awesome? Well this past week we went to Sibu for our Zone Leader Council, and it was such an incredible experience. The attitudes and the righteousness of the Missionaries was huge, and inspiring. They were a bit newer, and so the reports were not the best, but whenever President or us gave trainings, they listened intently, asked great questions, and truly sought after knowledge. I feel that ALL were edified and uplifted. It was great :D

    After Zone Leader Council, we took a bus with the Bintulu Zone Leaders up to Bintulu, about 4 hours on a roller-coaster like bus, where I went on exchanges with a Trainer and his trainee who are serving in a struggling Branch. It would be so easy to lose hope in the situation they face, but I was impressed with the brightness of Hope that they had towards it all. We met some really really great investigators and recent converts, and experienced miracles that came as an answer to prayers. Prayer. I love it. That day, as we prayed before we preformed our priesthood duties, I could feel a greater sense of the Spirit, and it helped remind me that this is not the work of men, but the work of Heaven. There really are angels all about us :D

     So another cool story. On Monday, when we had already returned to Singapore, some of our missionaries were coming in on Visa-runs, and one of the missionaries was a Local Malaysian who had lived in Singapore for quite some time. I had a distinct impression to take him on an assignment from the Bishop of our ward to teach another Malaysian about the Melchizedek Priesthood, so he could be prepared to receive it next stake conference. This brother can't speak English very well, so he really needed our help. After jumping through many hoops, the timing worked and in this ever so small window of opportunity, this Elder and I were able to meet his fellow Malaysian Brother. They were best friends, but I was most surprised how they didn't get too overly excited, but how this Malaysian Elder remembered his Duty and his role as a Missionary. Afterwards, as we were talking, we spoke about how an Assistants main concern is the welfare of the missionaries. Its not about the numbers, nor the investigators, but the missionaries. As I related this principle through the fairy tale of the rich man and the goose that laid golden eggs, a light seemed to click on for him. He realized how if one will inspire and uplift the missionary (goose) that he will go out and find and teach and baptize more investigators (golden eggs). If you kill the goose trying to get inside to find more eggs, like the rich man sadly did, than all is lost. The Missionary pondered this principle much, and we went on to set some goals on how he could apply this principle in his own companionship. WOW!!! I was so excited that the Lord was able to lead me to relate a teaching that I had received from my Mission President so that it could help another missionary. All because of a still small whisper. He really does lead and guide us. We just need to listen. He is speaking.

    I love my mission, and the Lord, and All of you. Be the Best you can BE!!!!

Your loving friend, brother, and son,

      Elder Willem Kampenhout