Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 86 - Singapore and Malaysia - Bintulu and KK‏

March 23, 2012
Elder Kampenhout in front of Mount Kina Balu! 4K high!!!
President Clark and Myself in the middle of the hike

Waterfall on Mount Kota Kinabalu

Dearest Family
    This past weekend we were able to have lots of missionary appointments
in Singapore on Saturday and Sunday, and WOW!!! It was awesome! I love
teaching the Gospel, and it was amazing how it flowed so much easier when
teaching in English. WOW. Super Rad. We had double digits on investigators
at church this Sunday, and it was especially great because out investigator
Enos has quit smoking on the drop of a hat so that he can be baptized this
week!!! YAYA!!!!! He has progressed so well over the years. He has taught
himself how to read (slowly) and absolutely loves the gospel and the
church. He understands that when he moves back to Sabah that he is still a
member of the Church and that he is going to do his very best to move to KK
to go to church. So rad.
    Well, we quickly went to Bintulu Sarawak early this week, which is the
factory central of all of Sarawak. There are 4 growing branches there
though! There I was able to help President Clark translate over 20 Temple
interviews, which was an awesome experience. To these people, and temple is
something which requires great sacrifice to attend. Many of them can only
go once or twice in a lifetime, but will renew their recommend so that they
can always live worthy of their covenants. It is so important to always
live worthy of that standard. Also while in Bintulu we drove up to the Niah
Caves where we hiked through the gaping caves and had a devotional in which
we shared our latest enlightenment and testimonies from the scriptures. It
was incredible to see the growth and strength in the testimonies of the
young Elders, and the maturity in the older ones. Their studies in the
scriptures may play the most important role in their lives. Imagine our
world without scriptures today. Do we really appreciate the greatest gifts
we have given? We should be ever so grateful that Nephi returned to
Jerusalem to retrieve the brass plates, that William Tinsdale made his
efforts to translate the bible, and to all of those who have sought to
bring forth the Word of God. We have been given the source of knowledge.
Often there are many questions that I want to ask, but then I realize that
the answer is already made available in the scriptures. Oh how I need to
read them more diligently.
    Last night we flew into Kota Kinabalu, My longest area in the mission,
and I was able to accompany Elder Brodie in teaching some of their
investigators, all of which are solid. The most special though was when we
visited Joebort and Marilyn. They are a young Filipino couple whom Elder
Hawkins and I contacted into over 6 months ago. They are not yet baptized
because they are waiting to be legally married in the Philippines first,
but they have been faithful since the day we met them. When I saw them last
night, there was a noticeable difference in just the way that they looked.
Their countenances had completely changed, and they were happier, more
active, and the Light of Christ more prevalent. I was nearly brought to
tears when we were teaching them about enduring trials and doing good. I am
ever so grateful that I was directed by the spirit that day to go knock on
their door. Perhaps I can retell the story.
Elder Kampenhout, Joebort and Marilyn
     We would often ride the bus out to appointments in our area, and we
always bussed past these apartments that we located close to the church.
After a while I felt an impression to go knocking there, and my companion
and I set a day and off we went. Our initial success was poor, as most of
the doors had already received and rejected missionaries, but Elder Hawkins
and I persevered all the way up the 6 flights of stairs. By the time we
reached to top, things were not looking good. When we knocked on a door, a
man answered and told us that while he was not interested, his friend would
be, and he pointed us to the door across. So we eagerly knocked that door,
talked with the woman who answered, and gave her a pamphlet. She seemed
rather interested, but was unable to meet right then. When we closed our
discussion, President Clark's training about Following Up with referrals
came into my mind, and I felt prompted to return to the mans door and tell
him how things went. When we knocked he opened again and we told him how
things went and invited him again to learn himself. This time he let us
into his apartment where we sat down and talked with him about God and
Prayer and he told us an incredible story about how God answered a prayer
of his. When we invited him to learn more, he asked for us to wait for his
wife to come back from the Philippines, and the following week we were able
to meet Marilyn. Joebert has since quit all of his addictions, and is
living the commandments, and is progressing incredibly well. Marilyn too
has changed more dramatically. I still remember the first day we met her.
In her closing prayer she thanked God for sending his servants to find his
lost children. This touched me so much. I don't know what all was going on
in their life, but I know that the one whom we represented was able to heal
them. This Gospel is true. It can Heal the broken hearted, restore sight to
the blindness of emotion and blindness towards one situation. It can
restore strength to family relationships. This Gospel is True. I love the
man whose message I bear.
Your Loving Friend, Brother, and Son,
     Elder Willem Kampenhout

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 85 - Singapore and Malaysia - Mission Tour Part 2‏

March 13, 2012

Elder Thurman (tallest missionary in the mission) at his farewell dinner.
Elder Steadman and I with Sister Foo, Gelang, Kadam, Jessica, and the little boy. All Recent Converts!!!

Instructions in a hotel on how to wear a Sarong (they have them in the rooms!)

Recent Coverts (Sivista, Peny and their Children) w Elder Laycock in Sibu Jaya

Hey Everyone!!!!

    So things have been awesome. We are now done with the incredible Mission Tour with Elder Perkins, and finished up Saturday and Sunday with a District Leadership Training (to all of the District Presidencies from all of East Malaysia) and then had Miri District Conference. It was soo cool to be in those meetings with the Leaders of the Church, where they discussed the progression of the Church on a broad and vast scale, yet focus on the individual. This Church is led by men who have been called of God. One of the areas of focus was to get the Youth Serving missions, and they showed a video from that testified about the great duty and calling of missionaries. As we watched this little video, the Spirit of the Lord descended into the room and testified to ALL that this was the way that the Church was going to grow in Malaysia. Not upon the sole efforts of the American missionaries, but largely upon the Returned Missionaries serving from Malaysia. After the video, Elder Perkins stood up and bore a simple testimony in which he said "that not a day goes by where the things I learned on my mission don't have an effect." He testified about how much he loved his mission, and the tears welled up in his eyes as he testified about the guidance and direction it has played in his life. As he spoke these words, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that the same influence would be played in my life. I am so grateful that I have chosen to serve a mission, and that I had been prepared by my parents and by the Lord to be able to do so. Amongst the Billions upon billions who have ever lived on this earth, how many have the opportunity to serve mission? How many have the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ of which to share with the broken hearted? How great our calling is! :D We can be the personal messenger for the Savior, and see how the Gospel heals the lives of those who accept it. This really is the greatest calling ever :D At the District Conference I was able to reunite with a family in whom Elder Steadman and I had taught and baptized, and all of the family members came to church (even the less active daughter). The mothers countenance had completely changed, and her intelligence and brightness had increased. The Gospel is working within them :D It is so true. It was an incredible trip.

   I will never be able to forget the effects of this mission tour. I will never be able to forget the things which God has taught me on my mission. It is of utmost importance. With Elder Bednar nearly a year ago, I learned about the importance of agency, and the principle of Faith being built upon agency. This time with Elder Perkins I learned about the important use of correction, and how chastising opens the gate for repentance and eternal life. When one rejects correction, they are damning themselves to improvement. Let us accept the correction that other give, no matter how rude or poorly given, if we seek out the truth in what they say, and seek to continually improve, it is then that we begin our journey on eternal life. I would invite all of you to read the scriptures and pay attention to the correction that Heavenly Father and our Earthly Leaders give us. I know that by doing so we will become happier and better people.

   I love you all, and can't wait to hear from you again. 

Your Loving Friend, Brother, and Son,

      Elder Willem Kampenhout

Week 84 - Singapore & Malaysia - From Sandakan to a General Authority‏

March 6, 2012
Elder Kampenhout and a GIANT jackfruit
Look Closely on the stick---A super poisonous centipede! Yikes!! It almost got Elder Ahmad
Elder & Sister Perkins (L) visiting President & Sister Clark  (R)at the Hospital, 2 days after President Clark's heart surgery. He looks good!!!

Sister Marlita and her family we visited. Super Spiritual lesson there!

Hey Everyone!!!!

    This past week Elder Martin and I went on exchanges in Sandakan! Yay!!! It was way cool being back, even though the missionary work has slowed down where we were at. It was incredible to see who sticks around and who leaves. In the end, the choice is in everyone's own hands as to what they do in life. Many people choose less than great, but when one does choose to empower themselves in always doing right, and imitating the Savior in all things they do, it makes those around them so much happier. As my father consistently guides me to do, by just being Kind, so many of our lives will improve. I start by just talking to everyone and making them smile. Saying hello to all the countless check out clerks, the immigration cops to chop my passport, the bus drivers. Everyone. It really is amazing to see how your simple expression of energy and love can lighten their day. Try it :D
     Wow. So after working for a few days hunting out some new investigators, visiting less actives, and attending Sacrament Meeting in Sandakan, we flew back to Singapore. It was a bit sad to see how the Branch has fallen on hard times, and how the missionary area has dwindled. I could feel this evil spirit resting over the city as we were there, and it left as we too left. It will take some real killer missionaries combined with a re-dedication from the Branch to cease its wickedness and follow the Saviors call to "Love one another." The gospel one day will flourish in Sandakan though. Of that I have no doubt. I know there will be a stake there someday :D.
    So as we flew back to Singapore, we were welcomed into the presence of Elder Perkins, the Area President. Wow!!! It was way cool to be around him. It wasn't as awesome as it should have been because President Clark was still in the Hospital waiting to be released after suffering a heart attack on Saturday, but it was still great to be around him :D (By the way President Clark is in great condition, out of the Hospital, and could go on a 10 mile run tomorrow [he probably will]) So since President Clark has been grounded for the Mission Tour, we as the Assistants have had to step up to the plate and fill in his role. Intimidating? Yes....but definably possible. On Monday when we met in Singapore, the West Assistants (Elder Whittaker and Jones) did an amazing job, and the meeting truely was a revelatory experience. Elder Perkins talked with us about approaching our sacred experiences (sacrament meeting, scripture study) with questions on our mind that we want answered. Instead of going to a meeting waiting to see what they say that makes you feel good, go to a meeting seeking to have a question answered. Go Hungry. Seek and ye shall find me. That alone completely turned around the SMT and made it a revelatory experience. He also had so much good counsel that I just wrote it all down. So much good things! Like:
1) Doubt not, but be believing (We need to talk with a language of faith) (We need to eliminate fear out of the equation)
2) Use Joseph Smith's own words when describing the first vision.
3) We need to create a record (Area books for missionaries)(Family History and Journals for the rest of us)(If the Savior showed up at a missionaries house, he would ask to see the areabook)
4) Obedience will empower you. You might be able to get by for a little while living a wicked life, but things will eventually get fouled up.

And so much more. Wow. I can't wait for tomorrow when we get to hear from him tomorrow. I certainly hope I can continue to progress in my Missionary work and become a better Man in all things. I have been thinking alot how being a leader is much like being a Father. Lots of lessons to learn. One thing I want to do is read through the Book of Mormon again and look for where the Father is Present or talked about. :D I would invite you to do similar. We need to study the scriptures looking for examples and patterns of what the Apostles, Prophets and the Savior have done. Look for the real life application :D I know that whenever I have preformed a work with an objective, it has always gone better. I know you can do so as well. Im not sure what you need, but the Lord does. Whether newly married, long time married, single, or seeking how to deal with wayward children, deal with co-workers, parents, all of the answers really are in the scriptures.

Well I hope this letter finds you well. I love you all and hope that you will make choices that bring the best of life upon you.

Your Loving Friend, Brother, and Son,

Elder Willem Kampenhout

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 83 - Singapore and Malaysia - On the Road‏

March 1, 2012

Hello everyone!!!
    This past week has been a bit crazy. Went out to Bintulu (a big
factory town) where we have 4 branches, with one newly split. Well it
was a pretty humble place, and I loved my time out there. The air is
pretty horrible though, and I have caught the "Bintulu Batuk"
(batuk=cough) and I have some junk in my throat, but its not big deal.
Only comes out in the mornings i think. But it has been fun.
   This week we were able to attend church in Singapore. So amazing. I
love Sacrament meeting. I love meetings in which the spirit are
manifest (like when we meet weekly with Pres. Clark). I can't imagine
being late to such a meeting. Being prompt is so important, that way
you get to feel the full blessings of the appointed time you have to
meet with the Lord. Can you imagine being late to a personal meeting
with God? Woah..... Haha :D
     Afterwards we went to a park where we were able to meet some
member's friends and contacted them while I sang happy birthday in
Dutch to the Birthday girl. They loved it. Everyone does. Especially
the mission president's wife. She makes me do it at every conference.
EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! I always try to escape but someone always reminds
her. There are probably going to be a couple hundred videos of me
singing it online after my mission. Haha.
    Well, we just got off a bus from Tawau (the furthest branch in the
mission, a 2:50 hour flight!)  going to Sandakan! I love Sandakan. It
was about a year ago that I was serving here and we are excited to be
able to go on exchanges with the missionaries here and help them get
some people to church this Sunday. That very Sunday though we fly back
to Singapore and have a dinner and interviews with the Asia Area
President! Wow!!! Im pretty excited for that opportunity. Elder
Perkins is a pretty cool guy. Met him about a month ago in Singapore.
The leaders of this Church really are the most incredible people.
Everyone really is preforming above and beyond the call of duty. The
more I learn about the apostles and prophets, the more I am able see
and imagine what the Savior must have been like. I have especially
liked this March's edition of the Ensign on President Monson. So
awesome. I was also able to watch his biography film. So incredible.
There is no one more fit to serve as the prophet :D I fully sustain
him in his calling. He needs all the help he can get. He needs our
help, in reaching out and doing good to those around us. Smiling.
Being happy, even if we have so many reasons to be down. Being down
never made anyone happy. Did it? I know that as we smile, even when we
are talking to people on the phone, they will be able to notice a
difference. Try it. Smile in a mirror before you answer the phone. The
person on the other end of the line will be able to tell :)
    I love you all and hope that this email finds you in good health
and happiness. :D
Your loving friend, brother, and son,
    Elder Willem Kampenhout