Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Malaysia – Week 63 - Faith Promoting and Faith Perfecting‏

Sept. 27, 2011

Dearest Family,

      I am delighted to hear about the news on the home front. As the great Master Oogway says (Kung Fu Panda): "There is no good or bad news, just news." It’s all about how you look at things. I guess that is a lesson I have learned a little about this week.

    This past week, things seemed to be going super well. As usual the beginning of the week wasn't too busy, but we had some good things planned out for the end of the week. We also had an incredible day on Thursday last week in which we contacted 2 little families living in a flat, and they were pretty willing to attend church. It was such an incredible little lesson and a Faith promoting experience. Our number of investigators at church on Sunday has struggled as of late, but as of Thursday night, there were 21 people who had a great potential to attend church. We were stoked :D However, from there things did not get any better. Lessons fell through, no returns on phone calls, and lots of "failure" seemed to happen. In the end, we only had one investigator attend church. From 21 to one.  Let’s just say I was a little disappointed. As my family knows me, I am a very passionate person, and when those passions fall on hard ground, I tend to turn inward and get myself all sad. However, the words and encouragement of Elder Hawkins were of great influence and uplifting to me, even though at the time they were given they were not wanted. One of the things we talked about, which has been discussed by our Mission President, has been the difference between Faith Promoting and Faith Perfecting.

    Faith Promoting Experiences: These are the great visions, the amazing contacts, the witnesses from the Spirit that the Gospel is true. These are the healings, the finding of work, the answers to prayers, the returning home of wayward children, the great Spiritual Victories that occur in life. These experiences build up our belief in God and inspire us to act with Faith :D

   Faith Perfecting Experiences: When we act with faith, and the results are not what we wanted, prayed for, or desired. This is when our expectations are not met, and our Faith in God is tested. This is the storm which throttles and thrashes the newly grown sapling. Many of us will ask, why? Each of these experiences gives us an opportunity to reflect back, and to remember that "but not my will, but Thine be done." These are the more important experiences. These experiences, if handled appropriately, will give us an even greater love for God. They solidify our belief in Him, our trust in Him.

    We all have both of these experiences. No examples needed. You know which ones you have experienced. Many of us remember the great visions and revelations given to Joseph Smith, and all of the incredible things which he did in his life. But how often do we remember the faith perfecting experiences he had? The death of many of his children, the death of his brother Alvin, his tar and feathering, which later resulted in the death of another one of his children, his imprisonment, and so many more. Which ones made him the Prophet he is today? Both. If we only had Faith Promoting, we would be like a soft piece of ore in a blacksmith’s shop, heated and mold-able by a fiery, faith building experience. Valuable, and precious, yes, but not very useful. However, add in the painful hammerings of trial, which requires much effort, aching and strain on our soul, but in the end, we come out as a beautiful, firm, and strong tool in the hand of the Lord. We will become as He is. :D

    The Hammers of Faith Perfecting Experiences will continue to come. However, as you spend the time to fuel the fire and pump the bellows by fueling your Spirit with the scriptures, pumping your spiritual muscles in the service of others, and praying for the guidance to do what is right, in the end, we will be pure, even as He is pure. I know these things are true. They are happening to me now, in my mission, in my family, and in my heart, and they will continue to happen. I can choose to be an agent unto myself and choose to see the end product, see why all of these trials are important, and find gratitude for them. Go thou and do so likewise. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it :D

    I love you all, and know that as we continue to seek guidance by the Spirit by daily prayer, scripture study and church attendance, we will be led in the right direction. :D

Your Loving Friend, Brother, and Son,
       Elder Kampenhout

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