Saturday, January 22, 2011

Malaysia - Week 27 - Hitting the Road and Meeting an Apostle‏

Jan. 18, 2011

Anu abarmu!!!!

   So still have not yet had a regular week in Sandakan, 'cause this last week we had the opportunity to have our mission visited by a General Authority, Elder Pratt, a descendant of Parley P. Pratt. Woah!!! Cool!!!! The trainings that Sister Clark, President Clark and Sister Pratt gave were absolutely amazing!!! And then Elder Pratt followed up with an open discussion and the whole time people we asking questions and what not, I was trying to find a way to ask the question I wanted that subject around prayer. I never got to ask it though, but the spirit guided Elder Pratt and he ended up speaking with us about the prayers of our investigators, and how they MUST pray in that first lesson. It is only through their prayers that their answers can come. It was the answer to my prayer :D If there has been any theme to my personal study, and my mission, it has been the power of prayer, and seeing how God has answered my prayers in my life, and the prayers of those around me. It has been a long and most enjoyable learning experience. This is only the beginning.

   One of those prayers took place in our sacrament meeting this week. Elder Martin and I worked really hard and found lots of new people to teach and were really starting to feel that the little Branch of Sandakan was on the upward growth. That was until Sunday came. Before sacrament meeting not very many people showed up, except for the regular diehards (we love them so much :D) but only one of the many investigators had showed up, and this investigator hasn't missed a Sunday for months. When sacrament meeting started, there was only about 40+ people there, and one investigator. The Recent Convert who was supposed to give a talk wasn't there, nor were any of the people who we met, found, and prayed over nightly. I was not feeling so great. During the most sacred ordinance of the Sacrament, I closed my eyes and prayed. With all my heart. I wanted to know what I had done wrong, and what I need to do now to help build the Lord's Kingdom on the Earth. It seemed like tens of minutes went by, and then all of a sudden, a warm feeling came around me, and I felt someone nudge the back of my chair. The Lee family had just arrived (long time In-actives who are just starting to come back to church) and were working their way into the aisle behind me. As I turned around I saw that the house which we use as a chapel was completely full! A miracle had just taken place in my eyes, after the works and labors of Elder Martin and I's faith. If you pray and then don't do any works, it is of no use. Someone once told me "Pray like it depends on the Lord, and then stand up and work like it depends on you." I saw the fruits of my labors that day, and they were sweet.  :D It was one of the best sacrament meetings ever, and a new record attendance for Sandakan Branch.  :D

    This area is definitely going to be a tough one, and I am lucky that I have a good companion to go through it with :D But then again, all areas are tough. None of them are easy, nor should be easy. If you give a light effort to your works, you will only get a light return. You get what you put into it :D Even if it is seems there is no reward. Look outside the box. You will see it :D

   Well the work is still going very well, and with the new insight from Elder Pratt and Pres. Clark, I am excited to put it to the test, and "build the Kingdom." That is our mission. It is all of our missions, each in his own way. How are you building the Kingdom of God on the earth? Making it a happier safer place? Think about it. I love you all, and pray for you :D

Elder Kampenhout

Attached are some pictures!!!
Elder Martin and I fixing a broken walkway :D Down in the MUD!!!

Elders Wieland and Martin near the Sim Sim Kampung which a nestled over the ocean.

The work to be done! Elder Martin and Pres. and Elder Wieland , our Senior Elder who is the Branch President

With no rubber boots that fit, we resorted to normal shoes with plastic bags. Tacky, but it works!!!

A fair warning to men on a bus
Me trekking through the jungle to get to an investigators house :D

Elder Martin in front of a Recent Converts house. They have no water nor electricity.

A part of Sandakan

Elders Wieland and Martin near the Sim Sim Kampung which a nestled over the ocean.

Our shoes at the End of the Day. Shows what real work is. Making sacrifices to find the lost sheep.

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