April 5, 2011
Apa Khabar Saudara dan Saudari!!! <----Malay
Anu Abarmu!! <-----Sungai
Nama Berita!! <----- Iban
How are all of you doing? Things are great here in East Malaysia. Yeah, not Singapore, but Malaysia! Singapore is a World Class City that is surrounded by a developing nation called Malaysia. Many people know about West Malaysia, but East Malaysia is like Northern Idaho. Lots of Jungle and friendly people! Only about 20 years ago there were headhunters running around in the Jungles here. While the head hunters have replaced the heads with TV's in their homes, we still have to hike up jungle hills to get to people’s homes. :D
But the work is going very well. :D The people very much need the Gospel here to guide and Direct their lives in a world that is throwing temptation and masked misery at every turn. It has been incredible to see the change that people have made from being Non-Members to Members who are filling their calling to the max. This is that pure and simple Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am having the greatest change to my life out here. While I had lived on my own and taken care of myself before, I had never really learned to rely on others. Here I have learned that when we learn to rely on Christ, we are empowered from on high. This knowledge has not come quickly, but over time and trials. And it is worth everything that I have given up to come out here. I gave up a fine school, a high paying job, and a very nice life to come trek around in the jungles of Malaysia for the Lord. I would make that trade again without a moment’s notice. Before I was hesitant to go on a mission, but I want to tell all who are even thinking about maybe possibly going on a mission: Go. Whatever it takes to go, GO. There is no better life than giving your all to serve the lord. It will certainly be a step of faith, to leave behind the wishes of the world, but you will be gifted with treasures from heaven. We all know which ones we would rather have, but its just hard to give up that which is before our eyes. I know that this is true. You can know of its truthfulness as well. :D This is not just for the young men of the church, but for the sisters, and the seniors as well. The Senior Couples in each of my areas have brought invaluable spirit and direction, and are priceless. My mission is composed of less than a 100 missionaries, covering 3 countries, 4 cultures, and 10's of languages. The Field is White and Ready to Harvest. No truer words. Serving in whatever capacity you can, always rely upon the Love of the Father. In your decisions in life, remember to "pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."
Elder Willem Kampenhout
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