Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Malaysia - Week 50 - Living the Gospel‏

Hello Family!!

   A good week this one was :) A lot of last minute change of plans, going to hospitals, birthdays, lots of good stuff :D Some pretty good highlights:

     Sunday afternoon after another spiritually uplifting Sunday, we were just about to head out to a member's house when when we got a call that one of the sisters in the ward was just admitted to the emergency room for severe stomach pains! Oh no! So we headed out to the member's house to grab him and then head to the hospital. We were expecting to meet him at his house, yet when we got off the bus stop, he was already dressed in his shirt and tie, and waiting next to his car. "Lets go" he said, and we were off. Now that is the Priesthood in action :) Always ready and waiting to serve. Arriving at the hospital we took a look at the x-ray, and it appears that there was a spring in the woman's stomach. What?!? Hahaha we just started laughing because everyone was just confused as to how it could have happened. Elder Sorensen then started talking about how "She'll bounce back from this one fast" and " she'll rebound in no time". Haha it was good and we were probably the only ones laughing in the hospital. We then administered to her and went on our way. We later found out that the spring was actually a pen that was in her pants, but in fact she really had kidney stones. She said she would be ok though. :) She's already home with her kids :D

   Saturday night we somehow managed to get "kidnapped" by a member and driven out to this huge shopping mall called One Borneo. It's super big. We thought we were just going with her to drop off her niece for her Fashion Show practice, but....nope. We were wrong. We ended up being there for the whole finding of dresses in the store, all the girls trying them on, and finding the jewelry they want to use. Haha. Elder Sorensen said "This is only happening because we are missionaries." There is probably some truth to that. It was an adventure though. The member then asked us to come next Saturday to the actual show, in which we politely declined and told her that we had already seen the show :) We don't need any more unnecessary distractions as missionaries :D

   In light of all of these rather comical events, some very spiritual lessons can be learned. Having had many conversations and seeing the way that people live here in Malaysia, and even home in America, the one thing that I think everyone needs a little bit more of is comprised of four letters. Love. Such a powerful word. It can be shown in many ways, and also has many "look-alikes" but nothing can really replace Love. It is Love that you show when you visit the hospital to visit the sick, it is Love you show when you spend time with your kids, and support them in their activities. Many people will participate in things because they just want to be accepted and loved. The adversary then easily tricks them that if they do "this or that" then people will love and accept them. That love and acceptance only lasts for so long. Real Love and Acceptance comes from when you really do show them that you care about them. Whether it is a thank you, a wave, a smile, a hug, a kiss, or even just a little note left on the desk, there are innumerable ways to show love. And yes....you can buy flowers on days other than February 14th. Show someone that you care this week. Be the person that brightens someone's day. This is the Love of Christ :D It is not just something we talk about during Sunday School or Sacrament meeting, but is what we do each day of our lives.

From your Loving Friend, Brother, and Son,
     Elder Willem Kampenhout

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